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澳门十大正规网赌网址 & 十大正规网赌网址’s 建设法律 attorneys represent large and small businesses, 以及个人业主, 开发人员, 总承包商, 分包商, 供应商和材料人员. 我们谈判和处理建筑施工合同, 维修, 商业楼宇的修复及拆除, 政府, 以及住宅楼, 和道路, 大坝, 桥梁, 舱壁, 还有高尔夫球场.

Our construction lawyers handle the broad range of matters encountered in the construction industry, 包括:

  • 施工合同, 重构, 修复和拆除建筑物和其他构筑物
  • 承包商、建筑师和专业工程师的执照
  • Building codes, building permits, zoning, special use permits and condominiums
  • Change orders, extra work orders and differing site condition claims
  • 移民, 劳动法, 安全, 联邦和弗吉尼亚职业, 安全, 健康管理(OSHA/VOSHA)规则, 法规和违规行为
  • Claims, defenses and enforcement of mechanics and materialmen liens
  • Insurance coverage for builders' risk, liability and property damage
  • Creditors' rights relating to bankruptcy of owners, contractors, 分包商 or materialmen
  • 项目进度问题,延迟索赔和延期
  • 检验、验收和保修事项
  • Termination of contracts for the conveinience of the Government or for default and monetary claims for default
  • 诉讼 and alternative dispute resolution related to construction

We have extensive experience providing representation in formation of construction contracts and performance of construction projects. 建筑业受到政府法规的广泛监管, 以及合同条款, and is subject to rulings of the courts and administrative tribunals applying common law principles which are unique to construction contracts. It is very important to have an attorney with extensive experience in construction law to provide advice and representation during the formation of construction contracts and throughout the performance of construction projects. Among our experienced attorneys are one practicing construction law for over 50 years, 另一个有超过30年的经验.

  • 成功地提起诉讼,并争取到了4美元的赔偿.3 million settlement of contractor’s claim for added costs due to 不同的场地条件, 联邦办公大楼的延误和设计缺陷.

  • 成功完成公路工程延误索赔诉讼, 违反进入工地的默示保证, 不同的场地条件, and payment for owned equipment costs in lower courts and 维吉尼亚州 Supreme Court.

  • Litigated and settled Miller Act Claim and recovered over $280,000 for a national material supplier.

  • Litigated and won a jury verdict for damages and attorney’s fees on behalf of a general contractor against an apartment complex owner for performing renovation work due to storm damage to an apartment complex in Norfolk, 维吉尼亚州.

  • 了索赔, 诉讼和解决超过500美元的索赔,000 for constructive change orders on behalf of a steel fabricator located in 切萨皮克, 维吉尼亚州, against the contractor of a coal-fired co-generation facility in Portsmouth, 维吉尼亚州, 用来提供蒸汽和电力.

  • 在西雅图成功仲裁索赔, 华盛顿, under American Arbitration Association Construction Rules on behalf of a general contractor against the performance bond surety of a subcontractor. The claim for defective work and failure to complete work involving concrete rehabilitation and restoration of the Pudget Sound Naval Shipyard Drydock #6, 导致仲裁裁决和追回超过450美元,000, 包括所有的律师费和费用.

  • 诉讼索赔在美国.S. 田纳西州东区地方法院, 并解决了超过400美元的索赔,用于建设性的变更订单工作, 以及延迟和中断索赔, on behalf of a subcontractor for cleaning and re-coating above-ground diesel fuel storage tanks owned by the Tennessee Valley Authority.

  • Presented claims to Tennessee Army National Guard for partial termination for convenience of a construction contract to renovate two buildings, 协助DCAA的审计答复, 为客户争取了有利的解决方案.

  • 代表诺福克提起超过100万美元的诉讼, 维吉尼亚州, residential owners’ association against the developer and office unit owners’ association of a luxury residential, retail and office mixed-use condominium project for defective construction, 保证和信托责任的海滩, 并在调解中为委托人取得了有利的和解.

  • Represented general contractor in claims for payment of amounts due in connection with construction of a church in Newport News, 维吉尼亚州, and prosecuted and defended numerous mechanic’s lien cases by 分包商, 对业主不利, resulting in favorable settlement and payment to the client without need for mediation.

  • Litigated numerous claims on behalf of homeowners against 总承包商, 代表业主取得判决, and pursed claims on behalf of owners under the Contractor’s Recovery Fund.

  • Prosecuted and defended contractors in connection with violations of the applicable laws and regulations before the Contractor’s Board of the 维吉尼亚州 Department of Professional and Occupational Regulations.

  • Filed and resolved numerous mechanic’s lien claims for and against contractors, 分包商和材料工.

  • Represented a city in successful mediation of claim against contractor for defective construction of a bridge involving approximately $3.500万重建桥梁.

  • Represented a subcontractor in in mediation of third party complaint by prime contractor which resulted in a settlement in suit brought by public university against contractor for cost of $1.2 million to remove and replace defective precast stairs in new dormitory.

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